Monday, 24 August 2015

Why you need a reliable car security system for your vehicle

Investing in a reliable car security system is important with the growing rates of car thefts all across the world including Australia. Getting a professional car alarm is becoming even more vital in this regard. Although car manufacturers have stepped up so as to improve the security features for vehicles making them difficult to steal, thieves are trying their best to devise alternate ways to break in.

A professional car security system from a reliable brand as Cobra can help you get the desired protection for your vehicle.

There are people who doubt whether this investment is worth or not. Remember, getting your car insured can fill in for the loss partly in terms of financial damages but you still have to bear the agony of losing your personal belongings kept inside the car. Along with this comes the pain of parting with your vehicle owing to the emotional connection you have with your car.

With a reliable car alarm, you can minimize the risk of car theft as well as reduce your insurance premiums. The type of anti-theft measures your car has plays a significant role in determining your auto insurance premiums so your car alarm in a few years’ time actually pays for its cost!

Car alarms are essentially of two types – passive and active alarms. Passive alarms as the name suggests work on their own and do not need the driver to take an action in order to activate them. So, as soon as the car engine is turned off and the doors are locked, the passive alarm gets turned on.

Active alarms require the driver to act. So, in this case the driver has to press the button and get the alarm activated. Active alarms are not desirable if you are forgetful.

Depending on the noise factor, there are audible alarms and silent alarms. Audible alarms are the most popular alarms. Such alarms have sensors that when triggered make a howling sound and flash lights.

Unlike the audible alarms, silent alarms do not make any noise. They instead notify the owner of the vehicle via a mobile device about the potential break in.

If you generally park in your car in a garage or safe locality, you can opt for a basic alarm that monitors the doors and windows. These car security systems are quite affordable and alert you in case thieves try to break into your car.

For people who reside in a crime prone area or mostly park their vehicle out in the open, it is advisable to go for an advanced car alarm that monitors multiple points of entry into your work. Immobilizing car protection system will simply shut the car engine so that thieves can simply not start your vehicle. Today we have car alarms with GPS functionality that can help track the location of your vehicle making it easier for police to recover your lost vehicle in case miscreants manage to tow it away.

Cobra Aust is a leading auto security alarm manufacturer supplying car alarms to over 23 nations across the globe. For more details, please visit or Call 02- 93692000.
Location: Sydney NSW, Australia


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