Tuesday, 4 August 2015

Choose Between an Active And a Passive Alarm

Your car is one of your most valuable assets. With growing incidents of car thefts in Australia, it is important to keep your vehicle secure. Although your car comes with a factory built car-security-system, thieves are getting smarter by the day and have devised ways to successfully work around such alarms. This makes it vital to get a reliable and professional carsecurity system that can offer your vehicle desired security and you the desired peace of mind.

In case you are thinking this will be an additional expense, good news is that if you have a vehicle with a professional car alarm system, you pay less insurance premiums too. This means your alarm pays for itself in some time!

Earlier very few owners looked at investing into a car security system but with changing times most cars have some kind of basic or advanced security system installed.

How do you want to arm your car? Choose between an active and a passive alarm.

Active car alarms are ones that require the carowner to act. They are completely based on manual arming and get turned on once the owner pushes the transmitter button. These alarms are a strict no -no for forgetful owners.

Passive alarms turn on automatically as soon as all the cardoors are shut & locked. Getting a passive alarm might also help you get a higher discount from your insurance company. They are a boon for absent minded carowners as the cars are auto-secured. Passive alarms generally are a more expensive option as compared to active alarms.

Next is how basic or advanced your car security system must be?

A basic car alarm monitors the doors mainly and will make an annoying sound when thieves try attacking the doors or windows of your vehicle. An advanced caralarm monitors multiple points of entry into the vehicle and has features as engine ignition system immobilizers and GPS tracking.
The choice of your caralarm should be based on the kind of threat to which your car is generally exposed to. If you generally park in your car in the garage and seldom leave it out in the open, a basic caralarm should be fine. However, in case you reside in a crime prone area or park your car out in the open, it is advisable that you invest in an advanced car security alarm system.

Cobra Aust is a leading auto security system provider offering high class, reliable car security in more than 23 countries all across the world. Cobra is a preferred choice for more than 18 car manufacturers.


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