Friday, 12 June 2020

What Makes Cobra Car Alarms the Trusted Choice?

Car thefts are on a big rise.  It is prudent to keep your car safe from theft. This is the reason why several people install Cobra car alarms in their cars.

Mentioned below are some of the reasons why the Cobra Car Alarms are a trusted choice amongst clients:

  • Suitable for Wide Variety of Vehicles- There are different kinds of vehicles used by different people. From SUVs to sedans, multi-utility vehicles, Cobra car alarms are available for all kinds of vehicles. They can be installed with ease depending upon the kind of wiring that is used in a vehicle. 
  • Alarms are bolstered with Digital Battery Back-up- Some security alarm systems do not function when the battery power supply is removed.  But Cobra Security alarms are equipped with a digital battery backup that functions even when the battery power supply of the vehicle is cut.
  • Complete Protection of Your Vehicle- Cobra car alarm system offers complete protection as well as the safety of your vehicle. When the alarm is turned on there is siren blaring and flashing of indicator lights. This is sure to scare any thief away. Due to the sophisticated internal sensors it is not possible to go inside the vehicle sans being detected.
  • Approved by Leading Car Makers- Due to technical superiority and superb quality, most of the well known car manufacturers such as General Motors, Ford, Audi, BMW, Mitsubishi, Lancias, Subaru Toyota, etc choose Cobra as the most preferred car alarm system.
  • Insurance saving- Some insurers minimize premiums and excess in case you install an approved Cobra system in your car. This is the reason why opting for Cobra car alarm systems make so much sense. 
  • Protects Inside of the Car- When you install the Cobra Alarm system, valuable accessories inside the car are also kept safe. Many times, the thief does not want to take away the car, he or she has eyes on things inside the car.
So, these are some of the key reasons why people go in for Cobra Alarm Systems as opposed to other alarm systems.

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