Thursday, 16 August 2018

New-Age Security Systems to Better Protect Your Cars from Burglars

With car thieves and burglars devising new ways to manipulate your vehicles, Auto Security System installations have become a necessity for automobile owners. Automobile Security suppliers have come up with a complete range of equipment, including dedicated Sensors, Immobilisers, and Mobile Car Alarms to ensure foolproof protection for your vehicles. To drive away fears regarding your car`s safety, all you need is the right professional assistance and the most effective Car Alarms in Sydney.

Tips to Secure Your Car`s Safety
Installing an Immobiliser- You should always have an immobiliser installed as a minimum safety measure, even if you are undecided about installing a Car Alarm system. A standalone engine immobiliser prevents an automobile from starting, by immobilising the fuel pump, starter motor unit, and the ignition system.

When incorporated in Alarm systems, these immobilisers act passively and are self-activated within 60 seconds after you turn off the engine. They can be de-activated through either, a remote-controlled system or by a proximity detection mechanism.

While the remote-controlled system uses rolling code technologies to change the coding sequence during each use, the proximity mechanism links a unique sensor coil behind the dashboard to a tag on your key to disable the immobiliser.

Configuring Volumetric Air Pressure Sensors- These sensors are able to detect internal movements and even minute alterations in air pressure within your vehicle. They can be integrated with a centralised Alarm system to provide you with SMS updates on your mobile phone`s GSM connection. You may then choose specific actions after receiving notifications.

Installing Ultrasonic Sensors: These sensors are designed to protect the cabin area of your vehicle. Usually installed on either side of the windscreen, they can send out high-frequency waves to their receiving unit, in case of any intrusion. The receiving unit then triggers an alarm to put off the intruder.

Insuring Your Vehicle- Insurance offers the most convenient means for receiving compensation in case of car theft. When you insure your vehicle, you may claim reimbursement for any sort of damage caused to it, or even claim to get your stolen vehicle replaced. However, while configuring security systems for your vehicle, you need to ensure that the components are approved by your insurance company.

Cobra Car Alarm Systems in Sydney offer fully automated car security systems for all automobile brands at economical prices, with free installation services in the Sydney Metropolitan area. As one of the world`s most renowned automotive security providers, a Cobra Alarm System assures your vehicle`s safety.

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